Head Office
3555 - 14th Ave., Unit 18
Markham, ON L3R 0H5, Canada
Markham, ON L3R 0H5, Canada
Last Update: Jun 15, 2023
Interfaces - MQTT Communication
Access Path
Control Panel > System > MQTT
Figure 1 - MQTT Settings
The Receiver supports MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) which can be used on top of the TCP/IP network stack as a lightweight Machine-to-Machine (M2M) messaging protocol to deliver a snapshot of measured critical parameters over networks. Since the MQTT is de facto the standard for IoT messaging, the protocol support provides additional options of integrating a number of the Receivers into a monitoring network covering a significant area.
If Certificate type of security is enabled, required certificate and key files should be uploaded using the MQTT settings page.
MQTT Settings (Figure 1)
Field | Values | Default | Description |
Enabled | No Yes | No | Enanble/Disable MQTT support |
Broker hostname or IP address | | Enter hostname or IP address of the broker server | |
Broker port | 1024 .. 65535 | 1883 | Accessible port for the broker server |
Client username | user | Username for the access control | |
Client password | password | User password for the access control | |
Security | None PSK Certificate | None | Security type |
PSK(hex) | 0A0B0C0D | Pre-Shared Key (PSK) - a hard to guess string of hexadecimal digits | |
PSK identity | A non-secret unique name by which the unit is referred to by the broker server | ||
Use client certificate | No Yes | No | Enabling client certificate for Certificate type of security |
Keepalive interval | 1 .. 4294967295 | 60 | A time interval in seconds to confirm that the unit is alive. The connection is closed between Keepalive control packets or message packets. |
Topic | info | A name of the root topic (or channel) to which messages will be published. Note: * Topic names are case-sensitive * Any UTF-8 characters can be used except special wildcards - the plus sign (+) and hash (#) | |
Use subtopics under root topic | No Yes | No | Enabling subtopics |
Update | Apply new settings. |