Interfaces - MQTT Communication
Last Update: Jun 15, 2023

MQTT Communication


Access Path

Control Panel > System > MQTT


ActiveCore Framework - MQTT Settings

Figure 1 - MQTT Settings


The Receiver supports MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) which can be used on top of the TCP/IP network stack as a lightweight Machine-to-Machine (M2M) messaging protocol to deliver a snapshot of measured critical parameters over networks. Since the MQTT is de facto the standard for IoT messaging, the protocol support provides additional options of integrating a number of the Receivers into a monitoring network covering a significant area.

If Certificate type of security is enabled, required certificate and key files should be uploaded using the MQTT settings page.

MQTT Settings (Figure 1)

NoEnanble/Disable MQTT support
Broker hostname or IP address192.168.254.137Enter hostname or IP address of the broker server
Broker port1024 .. 655351883Accessible port for the broker server
Client usernameuserUsername for the access control
Client passwordpasswordUser password for the access control
NoneSecurity type
PSK(hex)0A0B0C0DPre-Shared Key (PSK) - a hard to guess string of hexadecimal digits
PSK identityA non-secret unique name by which the unit is referred to by the broker server
Use client certificateNo
NoEnabling client certificate for Certificate type of security
Keepalive interval1 .. 429496729560A time interval in seconds to confirm that the unit is alive. The connection is closed between Keepalive control packets or message packets.
TopicinfoA name of the root topic (or channel) to which messages will be published.
* Topic names are case-sensitive
* Any UTF-8 characters can be used except special wildcards - the plus sign (+) and hash (#)
Use subtopics under root topicNo
NoEnabling subtopics
UpdateApply new settings.